January 27, 2011

People Change...

They never stay the same. I don't understand why people can't accept that. I am married. I work, cook dinner, work on school planning, do laundry/dishes, take a shower, sit down to watch tv with my husband, go to bed, wake up, and do it all over again. I am tired all the time, so when I get home, that's my time to not have to deal with other people's problems. I work with 4 year olds. I constantly have to watch them, listen to tattling, hear "hey teacher," tell them to do the same things repeatedly, etc. I don't want to deal with much. That doesn't make me a bad friend. That makes me busy. I shouldn't have to stop and text everyone in my phone to tell them everything that happens in my life. We are entitled to our privacy, for one, and with all the craziness that we deal with on a daily basis (things we shouldn't always have to explain or justify), we don't always want to talk to anyone. Oh gosh, we're married, but we don't always get to spend quality time together. So that's our relaxation time. Together. Just us. I'm sorry. If something is an emergency, yes, we'll deal with it. There's not very many ways else to say it. I'm not gonna be made to feel like a bad friend. All there is to it.

Final thought: This isn't much of a change for me. I've basically always been like this.

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