We are feeling the prayers that are being said for us. Please continue to pray. We need all we can get. The prayers that were being said for Carter when he was in the hospital for those 10 long days, were amazing. He felt them, and along with his determination, and personal strength, they helped him hold on one day longer until he just couldn't do it anymore. We will never forget how much support we received during that time, and since then.
In addition to the prayers about the trial, Carter's first birthday, and our strength to hold up through them, we are in the process of trying to find a house. We are getting into the final 3 months of being in this apartment. Hopefully our last!! We are working on getting our pre-approval letter this week. Fingers crossed for a sizable amount.
Again, thanks to all that are praying. We love you all. If there is anything or anyone in your life that you would like for us to pray for, PLEASE ASK!! We'll be happy to. Comment, e-mail (Kimberly_shaw89@ymail.com), text, Facebook message. However you prefer.
-We will keep everyone posted-
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