December 11, 2010


A good friend is hard to come by. Too many 2 faced people in the world. Too many bold faced liars. Too many cheaters. I say this first off, and i mean it til I die,

"I can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. You choose."

It's crazy how many people out there call Kimberly Shaw, that's me, their friend. Hadn't sat down to count in a while, but I know I don't have THAT many friends. Over the past year, I've learned who really has the honor of being on my friend list. Don't get me wrong, I don't not have a lot of friends because there is something wrong with me. I chose not to allow certain people into my life. Who needs a pool of fake people in their life to drown the ones who matter? I certainly don't. I don't think people realize that there is a difference between a friend and an acquaintance. I guess because we all would sound kind of stupid saying, "Kelly is an acquaintance of mine." We live in the south, we can't sound to sophisticated or we'll ruin our image. But using the reference as friend gives people false hope. I don't know.

Anyway, I said all that to say this. Thanks to all the ones who ARE true friends, and those who stuck by Tyler and I through everything. You mean the world to us. And it's not enough to call you friends. Your family!!

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