January 22, 2012

A Very Proud Wife

I debated whether to post this because of how sensitive the subject is and the risk of some people seeing it that don't really need to. But I have to say that I am very proud of Tyler for a decision that he has made. Next month I am going up to Carter's, Wendy's (Tyler's mom), and Romine's (Tyler's stepdad) graves to put up new flowers and to clean around the sites. Tyler and I had not even been dating very long and he took me to his mom's and stepdad's graves on Christmas day when we were up in Russellville to visit his family. He said that not many people have come with him to visit them. I knew that he trusted me to treat him right or he would not have shared something like that with me. At the time, Carter wasn't even born, but less than a year later, we buried him. So we have a lot of flower arrangements to do. I knew that Tyler wouldn't mind going to his mom and Romine's grave, but he had clearly stated that he would never go to Carter's grave, not because he didn't love him (I don't want people to think that), but because it is very hard for him. If you have never been through something like that, you will never understand. He said that going to see his grave would just make it even more real to him that Carter is gone. I found the strength in myself to go up there to put flowers up for fall, but I couldn't do it by myself. Mom told me something one day that made total sense to me; that women tend to put themselves in the uncomfortable positions to preserve the feelings of the guy. This is one thing that I don't mind doing for Tyler. I know that it is hard for him and I have supported that. But he has agreed to go with me when I go next month. I am proud of him for feeling like he might have the strength to do this. I told him that this would either be something that once he experienced it that he would never do it again, or it will turn out to be easier than he thought. I hope that everything turns out as planned and that he will rely on me to keep him strong. I hope that it is going to be easier than he thought. I ask that everyone keep us in your prayers while we are still going through the grieving process.

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