My OCD is driving me crazy. Being off work has been really relaxing, and my stress is waaay down. I am a much happier person. But, I'm starting to go crazy. I can only write so much. Take so many pictures. Watch TV so much. And I feel like I'm starting to gain weight. Maybe I'm not, but I feel blah!!! I am a huge organization freak. I like everything to have it's place and to stay there or be returned there when it's done being used. I don't like for my furniture to be in the same place for a long period of time. I have to have a change of scenery. I have moved little things here and there since I can't seem to find another way to organize the entertainment center, chair, couch, and loveseat. I have organized things that I didn't think were unorganized. I managed to only do stuff to the kitchen the past 2 days.
This is an old shelf of mine that I had been using as a spice rack to sit on the countertop. Yesterday, for some reason, it started to bug me that it was on the counter and not above the stove where, I think, spice racks belong. Needless to say, I had to put it above the stove. |
I've had this bulliten board for forever and really didn't have much use for it. I used to have our cooking aprons hanging right here to cover the breaker box, but right below this is the bookshelf in which has 2 large candles with stands on top of it. I didn't really think that was save to leave them there. So I moved them and hung this up. And I thought that I'd add a little persoanl spice to it. Again, my organization, I put a label for our weekly menu, to do list, and grocery list on it.
While organizing everything in the kitchen, the cat started bugging me, so I went into his bathroom to make sure he had enough food. When I walked into the spare bedroom "Man Cave," that's exactly what it looked like. A man's room. It was messy. Tyler and Daniel had just cleaned the room on New Year's Day, with the anticipationt that D was gonna move in with us. All it took was a rummage through the even messier closet to clutter the room up again. One day. I just wish I had the patience to get in there and clean it myself.
Dear Jesus, help this man find the time to clean the room, and to keep it clean. It's driving me crazy!! |
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