March 6, 2012

We got creative this time

I was on Pinterest the other day and I saw a drinking game that someone had come up with to go with The Big Bang Theory. Well, I don't watch it that much so I wouldn't be too good at that one. So Tyler and I laid down Sunday night and came up with a game for Two and a Half Men (our favorite). Having 6 seasons on DVD we have seen enough of them to come up with a game.

If you have anymore suggestions, don't be afraid to let me know. This is just all we could think of so far.

1. When Berta calls Alan "Zippy".
2. When a gay reference is made about Alan.
3. When Jake refers to food.
4. When Charlie tries to get rid of a woman.
5. When Jake is a smartass to Alan.
6. Everytime Charlie has sex.
7. Everytime Judith asks Alan for money.
8. Anytime Evelyn makes a remark about her mother status.
9. Everytime Alan gets rejected by a woman
10. Anytime Alan and Charlie are sitting on the deck together.
11. Anytime Rose climbs on or jumps off of the deck.
12. When Jake doesn't understand a joke.

If there are anymore that you can think of, feel free to add them.

Hope you try this and have fun.